Thursday, August 4, 2022

shitkickers - original poem


he's a golden specter
an avatar of disgust
holding on
to childish tendencies
dreaming of ripcords
and chainsaws sawing
through gargling
putrid corpse guts
in a blazing cove
under witch-hazel trees
deep within the shadows
of his Powerball play 
mind moves
the darkness swells
in octave steps
slapping his skull
with a leather-gloved hand
so he decides 
to head to the pier
grind up the Morningstar's
fresh new carcass
and destroy the evidence
his first death
into flaking maroon bits
and a collected 
severed head
dipped in methanolic flames
atop a Babylon
of ochre bones
dusted by graveyard dirt
and stacks of sorrel
bio-organic crumbs
stomped out of existence
by black shining 


Wednesday, August 3, 2022

liber lux - original poem

liber lux

the five points
will lead me to augoeides
through the axis of enchantment
opposing intentful invocation
crossing the arches of divination
abound from the river of evocation
where both
the powers that eat
and the powers that be
push onward through gnosis
in pliant aether bubbles
towards the tip of liberation
in hopes of meeting augoeides
within the schema
of liber lux


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Monday, August 1, 2022

untitled #12 - original poem

untitled #12

can murder minds
with psychotropic specialties
abscessed emotional flows
cunning in their waveforms
possess the power
to kill bodies
crush bones
with blunt objects
and brute forces
direct and intently
with each puissant blow
can outlive the opposer
overcome the loss
or discernable excess
of the other
a two spirited body and soul
can never be destroyed
never laid to rest
an anomaly
and eternal wanderer of love
visitor of unpassed paths
etched through
a configuration of stars
on an invisible
parchment paper map
adhered firmly
to a mucusy black bandana
folded up
in the back pocket
of the creator himself
directing traffic
on bustling city streets
in denim overalls
and a shiny reflector
lemon yellow vest
and orange yielding
handheld signage


Sunday, July 31, 2022

misnomer moniker - original poem

misnomer moniker

I curse 
the emotional warfare
eternally amongst us
suppressing us all
from the truths 
of the universe
hidden under the guise
the misnomer 
the moniker
of D - S - M
see truth supersedes
any diagnosis
no matter how formal
or self-constructed
it is just that 
some of us
prefer the gems
tucked away 
in the folds of the earth
while others 
angle their heads 
solely toward the sky
necks crinkled
knees buckled
eyes blinded


Friday, July 29, 2022

cellar dweller - original poem


cellar dweller

The cellar dweller 
is he who has wisdom
and it has been prophesized
that he who holds wisdom 
dearly to his chest
in a little locket 
of loved ones ashes
wonders not of the beast
and desires not 
to ever witness his true form
for nothing in Hell
lives without man’s consent
all that is evil
must become shackled 
by fateful retributions
scribed in colored lights
woe onto you
the cellar dweller 
if it is truly he
who gives the beast form
in fervent shrewdness
for to contemplate evil
is to bring evil home 
and I regret to inform you
all the lights in the house
seem to be on
visible from the sidewalk
good luck tonight
lonely cellar dweller


Thursday, July 28, 2022

witch cap eyes - original poem

witch cap eyes

I mix
my heartache
with plastic
packets of creamer
and syrupy
mocha swirls
and detached
in 7-11
breathe in
lightning bolts
like a pus-filled sty
atop my swollen
witch cap eyes


protesting arithmetic - original poem

protesting artithemetic damn the formulaics the analytics all bleed the same we condemn the algorithms and the artificial networks mimicking...